The general running of the School is managed by the Ordinary Meetings of the Governing Board, however more specific aspects are handled by Committees and Panels who recommend actions for approval by the main Governing Board.
Those Committees and Panels comprise:
School Improvement Committee
Resources & Finance Committee
Admissions Panel: responsible for admission arrangements
Staff Discipline Panel: responsible for matters relating to staff discipline and redundancy
Pupil Discipline Panel: responsible for matters relating to pupil discipline
Complaints Appeal Panel: to determine appeals against Stage 2 decisions on formal complaints made under the School’s Complaints Procedure
Appeals Panel: to hear appeals against decisions of any Panel
Headmaster Performance Management Panel: responsible for setting and reviewing the Headmaster performance targets
Pay Committee: to recommend the whole school pay policy for adoption by the Governing Body on an annual basis and have delegated responsibility for determining all pay and performance matters relating to staff including the Headteacher.
School Strategy Committee: To advise, keep under review, and make recommendations to the Governing Board on strategic priorities.
As with any institution, the School has to operate within certain policies which are overseen by the Governing Board. Those policies which are most closely related are handled by the relevant committee.