On entry, students select three subjects to follow at A-Level; for students with sufficiently high prior attainment at GCSE, a fourth A-Level subject can be added. All pupils can add the Extended Project Qualification to their A Level programme.
The range of A Level courses on offer varies each year, but typically students select from a list that includes art and design, biology, chemistry, classical civilisation, computer science, design engineering, economics, English language, English literature, French, further mathematics, geography, German, politics, product design, history, Latin, mathematics, music, physical education, physics, and philosophy and ethics. Some of these courses are run in collaboration with Skipton Girls’ High School.
The KS5 Curriculum Booklet provides an overview of each course, including links to a mapping document detailing the knowledge and skills being covered each term, and a summary of the pastoral and academic systems that are in place to support pupils in their studies.
There is an even stronger emphasis at this stage on scholarship and on students developing independent study and research into areas of personal interest. A significant number of Sixth Form students pursue this through the Extended Project Qualification. A-level work is supplemented by a Lecture Programme that offers distinguished visiting speakers the opportunity to present significant issues for question and discussion.
There are also compulsory non-examined courses in PSHCE and an enrichment programme that includes careers, apprenticeships, and preparation for higher education. Physical Education is part of the compulsory curriculum in the Sixth Form unless students are excused on medical grounds. Sixth Form students may alternatively opt to participate in the volunteering programme.
All external examinations are taken at the end of Year 13.