UCAS & Careers
University Applications – UCAS

Most of our students apply for university, and they are ably supported by their form tutors, the Head of Year 12, Mr Barrett and the Head of Year 13, Mr Hodgson. Personal Statements will be drafted and redrafted until they are of a sufficient standard. University staff come into school to help explain the process to both students and their parents, as well as representatives from Student Finance. Students are encouraged to attend Open Days and get a real ‘feel’ for their university choices before applying.

Students will be encouraged to apply for Oxford and Cambridge if their grades indicate that this is appropriate, as well as other top universities in the Russell Group. It is our belief, however, that these prestigious groupings do not fully reflect the real breadth and quality of UK universities and we will gladly publicise all institutions and courses, supporting all our students in their chosen paths.

Here is a link to the UCAS Parent Guide for university applications (you will be redirected to the UCAS website). This guide is produced by UCAS to help you understand the application process your son is going through and to help you guide him. If you have any further questions or a more specific issue, please contact the school – Mrs Rose for general careers advice and guidance, and Mr Barrett or Mr Hodgson for UCAS application advice.

Due to the ongoing pandemic and in lieu of our usual UCAS Information Evening, we have put together a virtual Introduction to University Applications for Year 12 Parents. You can watch the video at the top of the page.


These are becoming increasingly attractive to our students and offer a tempting alternative to university. We fully support our students who follow this route to their career and recognise its benefits and merits.


Our Sixth Formers have full access to our own careers advisor as well as external agencies. They will assist with apprenticeship applications and interview techniques. They can also offer advice regarding subject combinations. For example, A-level Chemistry is essential for the study of Medicine, and A-level Mathematics is helpful when applying for Economics.

We hold a biennial careers event including employers, universities, apprenticeship providers and representatives from the professions. We invite former pupils to come in and talk about their careers and we offer mock interviews to those invited to an employment or university interview. We run CV-writing workshops and support our young men in any way that we can.