Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does the school deal with discipline?
We actively promote self-discipline in school around the four basic principles displayed in every classroom
- The right to learn
- The right to teach
- The right to be safe
- The right to be respected
We pride ourselves on the high standards of behaviour of our pupils – something which regularly generates positive comments from visitors to school and outside agencies that come into contact with our boys, At Ermysted’s we operate a positive behaviour strategy which centres around the Behaviour and Sanctions pyramids.
All members of staff are responsible for acting upon any inappropriate behaviour. This is recorded using Class Charts and the school referral process and allows form tutors and pastoral heads to form an overview of each boys’ behaviour.
We also welcome any comments from parents and would encourage you to contact your son’s form tutor if you have any specific concerns.
Our Behaviour Policy is available for you to read here.
2. If my child is bullied, what does the school do?
We actively promote self-discipline in school around the four basic principles displayed in every classroom
Bullying thrives in an atmosphere of silence and secrecy so the most important message for you and your child is to tell someone.
We have a very clear policy on bullying which we would advise every parent to read (see Anti-Bullying Policy here). Every reported case of suspected bullying will be fully investigated usually by your son’s form tutor or Head of Year. Our priority in every case is that the behaviour stops.
The definition of bullying is quite clear in our policy and it is important to distinguish between incidents of poor behaviour and persistent acts of bullying. Both are extremely serious.
Cases of actual bullying remain well below national averages, however, even one case is one too many. We actively address the issue through activities such as assemblies and PSHCE lessons which challenge inacceptable behaviours.
3. What can we do to help our children with homework?
Whilst we welcome parents’ support in monitoring and supervising homework we would actively discourage you from assisting in the production of any work. This can sometimes lead to an unrealistic assessment of your son’s attainment. However, the following guidelines are useful:
- Provide a quiet, comfortable environment in which your son can complete his homework
- Encourage a routine – perhaps a time slot that is the same every evening
- Show interest
- Provide any necessary equipment (paper, pens)
- Encourage and praise independence
- Ask questions after the event e.g. ‘How did you get on?
- If your son is upset or seems under too much pressure, please contact his form tutor
4. How does the school communicate with parents?
In a variety of ways:
- In an emergency by telephone. Please make sure that emergency contacts are updated as necessary. Occasionally a member of staff may ring to discuss a particular concern.
- By ParentPay or InTouch. This includes general notifications such as reminders of events, severe weather arrangements.
- By email.
- The school website – this includes a range of useful information such as key calendar dates.
- Newsletter – regular updates on events etc.
5. How are parents’ evenings arranged?
At Ermysted’s we only operate traditional parents’ evenings* for KS4 and KS5. The dates for these are available on the school website at the start of the academic year. These evenings provide you with an opportunity to meet each of your son’s subject teachers for face-to-face discussions. It is recommended that your son accompanies you to these appointments as any discussion should involve the pupil.
At KS3 we operate consultation days*. These are held twice a year and followed in the summer term with an end of year report. This is an opportunity for you to meet your son’s from tutor and discuss your son’s current effort and attainment data as well as any other concerns. The reason for this arrangement at KS3 is as follows. Many members of staff teach multiple classes in a year group at KS3. In these cases, it would be impossible for each pupil to have an appointment during one evening. Past experience suggests that for many KS3 pupils and their parents a traditional parents’ evening would be a most unsatisfactory arrangement, allowing for only a few appointments spread over several hours. It is not the case that the alternative to Consultation Day is an appointment with every subject teacher. Consultation Day (and the comprehensive data that accompanies it) provides an overview. In addition, it can trigger a referral to a specific subject teacher – should a particular problem be highlighted. This will allow for a telephone conversation with that member of staff. It also builds on the positive relationships which form tutors have with their tutees.
*Please note that due to government restrictions, these are currently taking place as virtual events.
6. If my child is struggling with a specific subject who should I contact?
If this situation arises it is appropriate for you to contact the subject teacher directly. This can be done in a variety of ways:
- The main mechanism for communication is via ClassCharts.
- A phone call to the school office asking a member of staff to contact you at their convenience.
- An email to the school office ( marked FAO a specific teacher. Where possible include as much information as you can about your concerns in order for staff to advise accordingly.
- A concern may be expressed at Consultation Day or Parents’ Evening (see above).
Please remember that most subject teachers have very little ‘non-contact’ time so it may be several days before you receive a response.
If the matter is not resolved in this way – or if you don’t receive a response within a reasonable time – it would be appropriate to contact your son’s form tutor to highlight this.
7. What after-school activities are available for my child?
Our programme of activities for 2021-22 is currently being updated.
8. What school trips are available to my son whilst at Ermysted's?
We are fortunate to be able to provide a range of visits and activities out of school which either directly complement the work done in the classroom or add to the pupils’ extra-curricular experiences.
Covering the cost of such visits is never easy but we aim to give parents sufficient notice so that budgeting can take place, especially for some of the more expensive trips.
Pupils will receive information on trips available to them at the beginning of each year.
9. Who are the school governors?
Please click here to visit the Governors area of our website.